The overview here is fairly simple. Humans are basically large portable tubes composed of mostly non-human organisms that provide nutrition for both physical and psychological health and well-being for our human cells. A healthy gut maintains the immune system. Eating mostly fibrous vegetable of the widest variety possible keeps the gut healthy.
And if you eat animals, then those animals need to have been fed the widest variety if vegetable fiber possible. Also avoid GMOs which are tainted with glyphosate.
The key to this whole process is about what
happens in the lower intestine. Early humans roamed around a lot eating lots of plants and some meat. All that foraged plant matter provided
substantial plant fiber that sustained a gut environment for the colonies of good bacteria to thrive and overwhelm bad bacteria.
Modern factory food is the enemy of this whole process. The more food gets processed, the more unhealthy it is likely to be. And humans are becoming increasingly unhealthy and over-weight.
in food in just the past decade or so.
Almost all of the food in the supermarkets now has little or no
nutritional value and may even be toxic. More often than not the
expensive packaging actually costs more than the contents which are
essentially worthless. Nutrition has been sacrificed for convenience and
artificial flavor. Even the so-called fresh vegetables loose most of
their food value a few days after being harvested.
what are the alternatives? When hungry we probably will eat whatever is
available. So having food on hand that is actually nourishing is
essential. A breakfast smoothie is an easy and fast way to insure healthy nutrition and to get the essentials for a healthy micro-biome, which is perhaps the most important consideration.
According to Rhonda Patrick, most people are very deficient in Vitamin D which should be taken in the AM so as not to interfere with sleep. She takes 5,000 units daily.
Dr. Joel Fuhrman tells us super foods are the most healthy. A simple way to remember them is to remember the word GOMBS.
– Green vegetables have lots of different nutrients and systems that
put a silicone like slippery coating on the inside of your blood
vessels. They activate something inside the blood vessel called the Nrf2
mechanism that prevents plaque from binding to blood vessels and
accelerates the rate at which fat melts away from the inside of the
blood vessel.
Onions – In The Medical Journal of Clinical Nutrition a large study in Europe showed people who ate onions regularly showed a 60 to 70% reduction in all major cancers. That would be a reduction in prostate cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer just from the higher consumption of onions. When you cut an onion, the gas that is given off creates disulfides and anti-cancer nutrients that are formed. Mushrooms - A Recent study published in the international Journal of Cancer showed women who regularly consumed mushrooms are 64% less likely to develop breast cancer. That was about 10 g of mushrooms daily. That same study showed that the women who ate 10 g of mushrooms and simultaneously consumed green tea had 89% less likely to develop breast cancer. Beans and Berries - Beans and berries have high cancer preventive antioxidants levels and promotes healthy brain function. Seeds - Raw seeds and nuts contain phytochemicals and fats that help reduce inflammation, help reduce cholesterol, and helps the absorption of other important micronutrients. Dr. Fuhrman suggests having nuts as part of your salad or even making a salad dressing from them. |
Here are a few very handy and inexpensive kitchen utensils:
Steel Metal Handle Cleaver | Slicer Grater set | Zester/Grater | Spiral slicer |
Lewis Howes interviews Dr. Mark Hymen - One of the very best overviews of food and health.
Here are some pertinent films about food. All are available at Netflix:
Food, Inc. Watch Free Documentary Online - Preview
For most Americans, the ideal meal is fast, cheap, and tasty. Food, Inc.
examines the costs of putting value and convenience over nutrition and
environmental impact.Director Robert Kenner explores the subject from
all angles, talking to authors, advocates, farmers, and CEOs.
Food Matters - 2008-NR-77 minutes
a staggering number of Americans suffering from obesity and other
food-related maladies, this film takes a timely and hard-hitting look
at how the food we eat is helping or hurting our health, and what we
can do to live (and eat) better. Nutritionists, naturopaths,
scientists, doctors, medical journalists and more weigh in on
everything from using food as medicine to the value of organic food and
the safety of the food we consume.
Forks Over Knives - 2011-PG-96 minutes
on the research of two food scientists, this earnest documentary
reveals that despite broad advances in medical technology, the
popularity of modern processed foods has led to epidemic rates of
obesity, diabetes and other diseases.
The Future of Food - 2004-NR-88 minutes
compiling your next grocery list, you might want to watch filmmaker
Deborah Koons Garcia's eye-opening documentary, which sheds light on a
shadowy relationship between agriculture, big business and government.
By examining the effects of biotechnology on the nation's smallest
farmers, the film reveals the unappetizing truth about genetically
modified foods: You could unknowingly be serving them for dinner.
Ingredients - 2009-NR-66 minutes
by actress Bebe Neuwirth, this engaging documentary weighs the
shortcomings of America's industrialized food system against a rising
local-growth movement, whose proponents are shrinking the gap between
farmland and dinner table. With chefs Alice Waters and Greg Higgins as
guiding lights, growers, restaurateurs and consumers around the
country, from Oregon to Harlem, New York, discuss their methods for
bringing food production back home.
Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead
- 2010 -NR- 97 minutes - Focusing on two men whose bodies have been
trashed by steroids, obesity and illness, this documentary chronicles
the rigorous healing path -- including a two-month diet of fruits and
vegetables -- that both attempt in a bid to rescue their health.
King Corn - 2007-NR-90 minutes
Aaron Woolf's thought-provoking documentary, friends Ian Cheney and
Curt Ellis move back to America's Corn Belt to plant an acre of the
nation's most-grown and most-subsidized grain and follow their crop
into the U.S. food supply.
How to Cook Your Life - 2007-PG-1392 minutes
filmmaker Doris Dörrie documents a summer in the life of renowned Zen
practitioner and cook Edward Espe Brown as he teaches culinary classes
in Zen centers in Austria and California, revealing the role food plays
in our bodies and spirits.
The Natural History of the Chicken - 2001-NR-55 minutes
chicken is a staple in the diet of most Americans, the history of this
tasty bird has yet to be really explored -- until now. Poultry is as
popular as ever as an entrée choice, and this tongue-in-cheek
documentary sets out to uncover the truth about the bird that has
touched the lives, and stomachs, of so many. Included are amusing and
often surprisingly touching stories that will forever change your view
of the flavorful fowl.
Life Running Out of Control (Leben ausser Kontrolle) - 2004-NR-94 minutes
the mid-1980s, the science of genetics has exploded, offering hope for
medical researchers and biologists seeking to feed people, as well as
deep concerns for proponents of organic foods and activists worried
about human gene manipulation. This documentary explores the powerful
ways in which biotechnology affects our lives, from the sale of
genetically altered salmon to the obtaining of consent for unwitting
donors of human tissue.
- Food, Part 2
- Food, Part 3 Toxins
- Listen to our Podcast
- Four essential Foods
- Problems with Truth in Labeling Food
- The plastic linings of tin food cans contain toxins
- Untested chemicals in food
- Healing Your Body With Food
- Sugar is killing us
- Gut Health Probiotics
- These healthy foods will completely heal your body
- The truth about cholesrtol and heart disease
- Andrew Weil
- Feel Better, Live More
- Dr. William Li
- Survival food you can grow