Thursday, April 13, 2023

Pill Pushing



There is an increasing awareness of the role the gut microbiome plays in overall health. We can definitely strengthen the immune system through diet. The bacteria in the gut help to regulate the immune system. With a good diet, the gut microbiome becomes more diverse, providing a better health foundation.
"Pill-pushing is a widespread problem, especially for older patients. The proportion of adults taking five or more types of drugs rose from 8.2% to 15% between 2000 and 2012. For many, prescribed medications are beneficial and lifesaving. However, hundreds of millions of these prescriptions are inappropriate, unnecessary, or dangerous.

There’s a shared expectation among many patients and doctors that there’s a “pill for every ill.” Pill pushing is a widespread problem, especially for patients 65 years or older. Older patients account for more than 41% of Medicare expenses for prescription medicine. Many are using at least one inappropriately prescribed drug.

More than 1.5 million Americans are hospitalized and more than 100,000 die every year from generally avertible adverse reactions to unnecessary medicines....The pharmaceutical industry spends more than $21 billion on direct-to-consumer drug advertisements and promotional tricks targeting doctors. Many doctors are heavily influenced by pharmaceutical companies through visits from sales reps, informational conferences, free samples and meals, free medical books in exchange for receiving information about certain drugs, and sponsorship of continuing medical education courses.

Drugmakers also fund studies after the approval of a drug to promote off-label use or identify a drug as safer than another brand. Published papers from those trials tell prescribers that the drug is suitable for a larger population. With this, doctors can be swayed toward more favorable impressions about certain medications."

Unfortunately similar chemical methods are used on agriculture to produce toxic factory food.

About the best we can do is to have a diet rich in vegetables and fruits. This can lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, prevent some types of cancer, lower risk of eye and digestive problems, and have a positive effect upon blood sugar, which can help keep appetite in check.

Regularly eating the widest possible variety of fiberous vegetables keeps your immune system functioning well. There is an increasing awareness of the role the gut microbiome plays in overall health. We can definitely strengthen the immune system through diet. The bacteria in the gut help to regulate the immune system. With a good diet, the gut microbiome becomes more diverse, providing a better health foundation.