- A Spiritual Renaissance - B.Kovacs
- Anthony Peake -Hyper advanced aliens, Reincarnation, Ascended Masters
- Billy Carson- The
Anunnaki, Astronaut Gods, Our Body as an Avatar
- Darryl Anka
- Channeling, ETs, AI
- Donald Hoffman- What
is Real
- Dr. Joe Dispenza
-Your life depends on your thoughts, Negatively Impacts Your Health
- Dr. Will Bulsiewicze
-Dietary fiber
- Dr.Robert Gilbert -
Sacred Geometry, Biogeometry, the Mechanics of the Universe
- Drugs and Big pharma
- Gary Zukav - quantum
- Linda Moulton Howe
- Lost & Forbidden
Biblical Books -Good Gods, Bad Gods
- Matthew LaCroix
-ancient civilizations, philosophy, quantum mechanics, and history
- Pam Gregory - Awakening
- Paul Wallis -
ancient cultures
- Raise Your Emotional
And Spiritual Vibration, forgiveness changes your brain
- Rich Roll -wellness
- Ross Coulthart -UFOs - Dr Steven Greer
-Aliens, Disclosure, Peace In Space
- Shadow work
- Signs we live in a
Simulated Reality
- Suzanne Giesemann
-multidimensional universe, spirit guides and angels
- Trauma and The Brain
- Using the Law of
Attraction, How to Shift To a Higher Dimension
- What Is It Like to
Live in the Fifth Dimension
- Zach Bush - Gut
Health, glyphosate, Holistic Healing
- Pluto In Aquarius for 40 years
- Solar Flares