Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Extraterrestrial Spirituality


The idea of Worshiping Virtues or the Personification of the divine probably comes from Ancient Greece poetry of Homer and Hesiod which is thronged with personifications. Such mythological personifications became an abstract cult that believes diety is pleased or displeased by human doings.

Also divine vengeance is liberally sprinkled throughout Ancient Greek mythology. The Greek gods often come across as vindictive lot who do horrible things to mortals and to each other, with little sense of proportionality between trespass and its horrific punishment. They might torment a pregnant woman out of jealousy, or condemn somebody who accidentally saw them naked to get eaten by dogs. There are many  stories from Ancient Greek lore about divine vengeance that have been used to gain power through subjugation tactics.

The earth is perhaps the greatest experimental laboratory for life forms. Putting a finger on a hot stove is a learning experience that does not alter divinity in any way. But trashing the lab (earth) is not without human consequences. The earth is much more durable and divine than all of human dreams or endeavors and has endured various calamities and even extinction events.

Science has only recently discovered that there is no time or space. Eternal reality vastly transcends all human drama. Apparently there are a great many other planets and planes of spiritual consciousness that considerably exceed our paltry psychology and religion. Our concept of them was humanized so that we thought of them as elementals, angels, naure spirits, elves, fairies, etc.

We are beginning to learn from some as extraterrestrials or "aliens." According to the beliefs of certain New Age movements, Arcturians are an example of very advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. The beings from the Arcturus star system apparently wish to share their knowledge and wisdom with the citizens of Earth. They are described as other-dimensional, highly advanced star beings. Arcturians are said to be loving and peaceful and are willing to communicate and work with any soul that wishes to travel with them to a higher level of consciousness.

Currently, they would guard the Earth, help healing the planet and raise its vibrational energy. Emotional, mental, physical and spiritual transformation would be among their primary goals. Arcturians would regularly incarnate on Earth and would have been involved in Earth's evolution. In addition to the Arcturian community, there are said to be similar communities on Sirius, Andromeda, Orion, and the Pleiades, Lyra and Antares.

But the knowledge of this came not from the earthly spiritual community but rather from UFology. Our solar system is comparatively young. And human technology is 200 or 300 years old while ET technology is thousands or even millions of years old, and also probably is their spirituality. For example when you use Telepathy you can be on separate sides of the universe on still carry on conversations.

It is important to know that the word Elohim is plural amd refers to Gods, not a singular God. According  to Paul Wallis and others the Jewish religion was not monotheistic until Jerimiah became king. The idea of a spiritual Trinity more nearly became a form of tyranny. A tyrant (from Ancient Greek τύραννος (túrannos) 'absolute ruler'), in the modern English usage of the word, is an absolute ruler who is unrestrained by law, or one who has usurped a legitimate ruler's sovereignty.

"We tend to consider speculation about extraterrestrials to be a recent phenomenon, a task forced on us by the scientific knowledge we have gained during the last century. Its rather surprising, perhaps, to find out that the debate about whether there is extraterrestrial life stretches back just shy of two and a half millennia."  -CERC

The Vatican’s Secret Archives are the stuff of historical legend—but their existence is absolutely real. Fifty-three miles of shelving. Thirty-five thousand volumes of catalogue. Twelve centuries worth of documents hidden under lock and key. Housed in one of the most iconic bastions of religion and culture ever.

However the association of  cosmological extraterrestrials with spirituality comes mostly from Ufology. Dr. Steven Greer explores how the consciousness field manifests the physical body, not the other way around. He tells us that concepts interacting at the speed of thought, not through technology, is the form of communication of the future. And why humanity needs to understand the science of consciousness in order to reach the stars and connect with beings from higher realms. Dr.Greer had a Near Death Experience and is initiating respect and peaceful contact with interstellar civilizations.

"As there is one God which manifests one creation, so there is one God which is the source of all conscious beings, whether on earth or elsewhere. The great Universal Intelligence has sent a ray of this light of consciousness throughout all conscious beings, and we are united to God and to one another through its subtle and all-pervading effect. It is for these reasons that I state that the reality of man and the reality of other extraterrestrial peoples are one. Viewed with the eye of differences, we are diverse and unrelated, but viewed with the eye of oneness, we are more alike than dissimilar, more kindred than alien. And so it is that we must look to our inner reality to find not only our oneness with our fellow humans, but our oneness with other intelligent life in the universe as well. While ephemeral differences may confound us, our essential oneness in consciousness will never fail us. For there is one universe inhabited by one people, and we are they."
                                                                                  -        .Dr. Steven Greer.