" If you follow your bliss, doors will open where there were only walls." -Joseph Campbell Joseph
Campbell is considered to be one of the greatest mythologists. He was a prolific American author and editor whose works on comparative
mythology examined the universal functions of mythology in various human
cultures and examined the mythic figure in a wide range of literatures. He advocated
a balance between sacrifice and bliss, and living in accord with nature. Campbell, Joseph (1904-1987), American writer, editor, and teacher, known for his writings on myths. Born in New York City, Campbell was educated at Columbia University. He specialized in medieval literature and, after earning a master's degree, continued his studies at the universities of Paris and Munich. While abroad he was influenced by the art of Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse, the psychological studies of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, and the novels of James Joyce and Thomas Mann. These encounters led to Campbell's theory that all myths and epics are linked in that they are cultural manifestations of the universal need of the human psyche to explain social, cosmological, and spiritual realities. Campbell was on the faculty of Sarah Lawrence College, from 1934 to 1972. His first original work, The Hero with a Thousand Faces (1949), became a classic. In this study of the "myth of the hero," Campbell asserted that there is a single pattern of heroic journey and that all cultures share this essential pattern in their various heroic myths. In his book he also outlined the basic conditions, stages, and results of the archetypal hero's journey. Campbell's other works include the four-volume Masks of God (1959-1967), The Flight of the Wild Gander (1969), and The Mythic Image (1974). In the mid-1980s a popular television interview series with the American journalist Bill Moyers introduced Campbell's views to millions of people. We are fortunate to have dozens of video clips from Campbell's many lectures, now available on YouTube. Campbell, Joseph - Center for Story and Symbol Article published in New Perspectives magazine reports on the life and work of this noted scholar of comparative mythology.http://www.rain.org/~young/articles/campbell.htmlJoseph Campbell Foundation Group promotes the work of thph Cis leading mythology scholar. Learn about its current projects, or find out how to become a member.Joseph Campbell & Marija Gimbutas Library The library is located at Pacifica Graduate Institute near SantaUSA - Keepers of the Lore Presenting the Joseph Campbell Festival in New Hampshire to further the preservation of myth, folklore, and storytelling, with news and details.The Center for Story and Symbol, Joseph Campbell and Archetypal Psychology If you are interested in mythology, dreams, fairy tales, imagination, archetypes, and the ideas of Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung, you have come to the right place. - Mythic Realm - Santa Barbara CAJoseph Campbell Joseph Campbell acclaimed scholar, writer, teacher, and an expert on world mythologies. Mr.Campbell's ideas and experiences continually pervade in today's culture through others. Most prominently with George Lucas and the whole STAR WARS series...Hero journey Home Heroes Standards Teacher Resources Heroes' Traits Hero's Journey Multicultural Heroes Hero Connections Hero's Journey The Hero "There is what I would call the hero journey, the night sea journey, the hero quest, where the individual is going...
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Joseph Campbell, Mythologist
Joseph Campbell,
story telling