Sunday, February 19, 2023

Current Events


What's Up ?

 Recent Information and Life Skills

The world is changing very fast. With so much information at our fingertips, now more than ever, we need to be able to think for ourselves, question the current way of doing things, and be critical of all forms of media, government, and education.

In his farewell speech of 1961, President Eisenhower warned of growth of the 'military-industrial complex' and the "potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power."  This corrupting influence is what he describes as the "military-industrial complex". He knew that we must be alert to the "danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite."

Today about half of your tax dollars goes to the American defense industry, with little or no accountability. The government has become military service bureaucracy. The United States spends more on national defense than China, India, Russia, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Germany, France, Japan, and South Korea — combined. The motive is profit for a few at the expense of the many.

8 Men Control half the wealth on earth . They surround themselves with "Yes men" whose motto is profit at any cost, which has created a corporate governance system that destroys the economy and the environment. G
reat wealth is correlated with significant power. The term "robber baron" describes a class of extremely wealthy businessmen who use ruthless and unethical business tactics to dominate vital industries with virtually no regulation of business monopolies. A few key Supreme Court cases gave corporation the same rights as people, very wealthy people.

We know surprisingly little about our
modern moguls who are making us poor and sick. But we are learning how their tactics and products delivers us into the hands of a toxic health industry who wants us permanently on maintenance meds. Political polarization and algorithms reinforce social, racial, and economic inequalities. There has been a massive 40% increase in unclassified non-COVID deaths in the past few years. Dr Zach Bush tells us that factory foods contaminated with glysophate is killing us in record numbers. He says that eating the widest variety possible of fibrous vegetables keeps the immune system healthy.

"The present age is a contest: between the good and bad consequences of global entanglement and human development; between forces of inclusion and exclusion; between flourishing genius and flourishing risks. Whether we each flourish or flounder, and whether the twenty-first century goes down in the history books as one of humanity’s best or worst, depends on what we all do to promote the possibilities and dampen the dangers that this contest brings."
Age of Discovery: Our New Renaissance by Ian Goldin and Chris Kutarna

What this has done is to bring about a whole new counter culture. There’s a growing reaction against the extremes of woke ideology. The reaction has no settled name yet and hasn’t cohered into a movement. You might call it “egalitarianism” because the common thread is that people should be treated equally regardless of their group identities, or, at least, that the unequal treatment has gone too far. Egalitarianism has been a driving principle of many modern social movements, including the Enlightenment, feminism, civil rights efforts, and the establishment of international human rights as well as "new" spiritual values that embody global, inclusive, co-operative, egalitarian values.

Much of the internet is about how to achieve authentic happiness - rooted in spiritual values and "right" actions that ivoke virtues like humility, honesty, tolerance, patience, gratitude, generosity, forgiveness, courage, joy, compassion and love. What many people dislike about ancient religion grows out of a lack of emphasis or encouragement to think, speak and act for oneself. Central to any new world religion would  be the idea that we are each somehow seamlessly connected to each other rather than set them apart, and  it would not depend on beliefs so much as on personal experience. The idea is that the world would gradually become a cleaner, safer, happier place, in which both human survival was safeguarded and people everywhere would have a real chance to flourish.

An extraordinary amount of evidence suggests that our concept of spirituality is undergoing enormous change, including how religion is penetrating scientific circles. This is not some touchy-feely new age fad. It is wider and deeper. It is the engine of a whole paradigm shift in society with the power to heal the mind-body split that has dominated western thinking for centuries. and while we're at it, the new spiritual awakening promises to remake the political landscape as well.

People start seeking enlightenment or unitive consciousness (aka transcendence, pure consciousness, mystical union) at different times and circumstances in life and for different reasons. Dr Jude Currivan sums it up by teaching that  we are inseparable from the universe which evolves as an ultimately unified entity. So mind and consciousness is not something we have, but literally what we and the whole universe actually are. According to panpsychism, consciousness pervades the universe and is a fundamental feature of it.

Yet another paradigm is that former Canadian defense minister, Paul Hellyer has said that here are more than 82 known alien species who have visited Earth. It is claimed that a wealth of information about these extraterrestrial species is contained in highly-classified documents used as training manuals or guides for military and intelligence personnel. The documents reveal that many of the known species have been living on Earth long before the human race.

The Ancient Aliens video series explores the controversial theory that extraterrestrials have visited Earth for millions of years. From the age of the dinosaurs to ancient Egypt, from early cave drawings to continued mass sightings

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