The stress of a great paradigm change is upon us. It seems that our understanding of even the basic nature of reality is undergoing considerable change. The way we choose to deal with this will likely affect our future in the most essential ways. For those of us you have outlived friends and family our attention tends to shift to spirits and the spiritual. And until quite recently that generally involved rather stern kingly figure and his servants and vassals. There were lots of rules and not much forgiveness which landed us in need of being saved. But recently the idea of the spiritual realm has undergone some interesting changes. For some the spiritual world has shifted to the totemic and even to the plants and animals.
" A great change is at hand, and our task, our obligation, is to make
that revolution, that change, peaceful and constructive for all... those
who do nothing are inviting shame, as well as violence." - - John F.
And with the discovery of quantum physics our perception of the non-human realm has undergone considerable change. Even scientists have a renewed interest in non-physical realms. So the nature of our borders is rapidly changing to include artificial intelligence and even extraterrestrials. Increasingly we seem to be obsessed with fantasy figures, celebrity, addictions and dystopia - accelerated by the pandemic. We seem to be obsessed with fantasy. Fantasy is often associated with the future and in some ways, the past. "Obsession fills us up, and what a relief that feeling is (especially if we felt empty before). But even if we didn't feel empty, obsession makes us feel potent, capable, and purposeful. But also like all addictions, with time obsession unbalances us. We often begin to neglect parts of our lives we shouldn't. During the past decade or so, mindfulness and meditation has become remarkably popular and seems to be everywhere! It is taught in preschools, elementary and secondary schools, colleges and universities, hospitals, health clinics, health spas, posh hotels, most companies, and just about any organization that you can name. And some large companies, such as Aetna, even have a Chief Mindfulness Officer. Mindfulness does help with the stress of negative family patternsas well as the ups and downs of human emotions; to heal wounds of the body, mind, and heart; and finally shake off the karmic chains of the past. However humanity is undergoing many radical changes on all levels; physically, mentally, and spiritually - a shift to higher consciousness . The dimensions available to us on Earth are referred to as 3D, 4D and 5D. Firstly, know that YOU exist in multi-dimensions all at once. Your mind is often out on the higher dimensions travelling and being inspired, especially when you’re thinking, intuiting and using your imagination - i.e. daydreaming. At the heart level (soul - which is the infinite you) you’re always on the higher dimensional platforms, directing your life via your inner feelings and intuition. The 5th spiritual dimension is that we use to describe a state of higher consciousness and expanded awareness. 5 refers to the stage or level of consciousness and D in this context is referring to a spiritual dimension, a level of understanding and awareness or The Awakened Way. You are not only human.You are part of one big web connecting all that is. The creative and healing force of the universe is Love. When you live The Awakened Way, you come to know that you are already whole and complete at the level of the soul. The more you allow your True Nature to shine through your human role, the more you fulfill your purpose and experience peace, love, and Joy moment by moment. Despite appearances, you are not an independent being, but the interdependent manifestation of a shared Consciousness that is infinitely intelligent, creative, and self-aware. As such, you do not operate apart from other, but as a direct part of a Power far greater than yourself. Apparently everything is energy in vibration and there are various frequencies or layers much like octives in music. or the color spectrum in light. Another way to look at it is the radio and television broadcasts. You can choose which signal you want or you may turn it off. The signal is still there whether you're tuned in or not. On the Internet you choose your favorites and save them so they're just a click away. We learn what we want and what we don't want. We also choose our own vibes -happy/sad; aggressive/passive; caring and kind or indifferent. We've come to understand that there are other stars galaxies and maybe even other universes. We're also being told that we have many lifetimes on many levels and that we can be reincarnated back to earth or one of an almost infinite number of other places to be. And apparently there are physical planes as well as planes that are non-physical. And we've recently learned that apparently everything we see on this plane of existence is not real in the way we had believe it to be. We just happened to be biologically tuned in to this level. It seems more and more likely that extraterrestrials have been here for a very long time. And they may be shape shifters. One could be standing very near where we are without our even knowing it. We're being told that some of these have volunteered to be spirit guides to help us poor humans to navigate reality in a better way. Some believe that the ancient gods were extraterrestrials. Their technology was millions of years ahead of our own in ways that we couldn't even comprehend. This seems to be an extension of the early personification of the forces of nature by early shamans. Earth air fire water and sky all head characteristics and energies that we, in our ignorance, could only seek to placate. Basically, the guru is a spiritual teacher leading the disciple on the path of "god-realization." it turns out that there is only one thing in the universe and that one thing is everything some call it God, and some say that there's nothing but God or nothing that isn't God.