An Overview
Humanity has always wanted to find its source. Mysticism
is a spiritual quest for hidden truth or wisdom - the goal of which is
union with the sacred or transcendent realm. Forms of
mysticism are found in all major religions, by analogy in the shamanic
and other ecstatic practices of non literate cultures, and in secular experience.
The word Human in Greek means "The being that looks upwards". The word
"Greek" means "One with God," so both together create "The being
that looks upwards to become one with God". The Orphic
Scripts offer a wealth of information to the researcher of Religions
and Science. Written 2000 years BC prove that the Ancients knew things
that we rediscovered.
Life in the material world exists as a polarity.
The physical world of the body and the perceived world of the mind. Whether
the physical or mental is more real or primary has been a central issue
of philosophy and religion. Yin
and Yang are the Chinese dualistic concepts. Yin is the light, passive,
feminine, positive element. Yang is the dark, active, masculine, negative
element. Everything in creation is seen as a result of the interplay between
two elements.
The form, shape and individuality we express are recognizable by
our selves and by others as our identity. Among primitive people almost
everyone evidently believed in spiritualism,
or the survival and continuation in some fashion of this identify beyond
the death and discarding of the physical body, or "passing over."
Only in fairly recent times has there apparently been any real questioning
of this idea. The scientific
paradigm introduced the somewhat arrogant assumption that only whatever
can be measured or quantified by the mind could be considered real. One
of the big problems with this paradigm
is that it is fairly evident that there are things we can know without
being able to explain them.
On the one hand we have the material world (physics) and on the other
the mental world of hopes, dreams, and aspirations (metaphysics).
The first represents survival and procreation, while the second represents
all transcendent
experience. From this duality arises a third possibility, the spiritual.
The single characteristic distinguishing humans from deities is immortality.
In most antique cultures when an individual achieved enough wealth or power
some assumed the mantle
of a god by declaring themselves or their lineage to be immortal. More
often than not these demi-gods used oppressive force to prohibit the individuation
of others. Until the Renaissance
the average person was often forbidden even to read or write.
is the account of larger-than-life heroes
and archetypes
who embody universal values and ideals. Mysticism is traditionally associated
with certain forms of religion, as it has been described as a union with
the Collective Spirit. Mysticism
differs from religion in that the mystic desires to be as close to the
Spirit as possible, whereas most religions teach obedience of God's
will and rules.
On this Earth, there are all too many restrictions, rules, oppression,
sadness, bitterness, tears, disappointments, suffering, pain and death.
It would seem that the need to earn money, pay rent, buy food and clothes
precedes any spiritual considerations. But the fact is that the more vulnerable,
the more superstitious
a person or culture proves to be. History reveals that religious institutions
power over men has caused no little human suffering.
Dogma and bigotry
are the result of the separation of the psyche into a good and worthless
portion. In fact, Alan Watts
went so far as to say that religion too often has operated through guilt
and fear, by "forbidding every natural act." From this has come considerable
distrust and disdain of religion.
The biblical term "fear God" is a mistranslation of "revere God."
Fear is an emotion that is expressed as anxiety and dread by the expectation
or recognition of danger. So fear is an emotion disconnected with the actual
event. Man is endowed with the power of reason. He has the ability to be
inspired by higher forces from a larger life and to utilize wisdom and
knowledge to banish all that belongs to the darkness and ignorance.
Many religious leaders preach fear, which directs their energy into
dis-harmony. These so called leaders generate tension, hostility and insecurity
in others. This type batters people's self-esteem, frightening them just
as (s)he is frightened. They destroy creativeness and any incentive in
the very people they should motivate in order to achieve their prescribed
goals. A fearful boss often cripples a company or group, and is a leader
in rank only.
Fear corrodes, rusts, and blocks the channels through which
help can come. Fear can cause us to be subservient, dominant, possessive,
and obsessive. It prevents us from experiencing love. Where fear is the
problem and love is the answer. Love dispels fear. New
Age ideas are more concerned with harmony.
Unification is the business if institutions. Ram
Dass said that it is your business not to surrender your individuation
and be consumed. We may grow weary of attachments to greed and power, to
disappointment and suffering. Asceticism would have us believe these are
very valuable for our souls. Through suffering we learn compassion. It
is in that spirit that the character is evolved and strengthened and we
learn detachment. As awareness increases, one gradually realizes that there
is more to be attained.
is the central idea of western philosophies. Atoning means undoing and
correcting errors. When an individual can truly forgive, they essentially
atone. The miracle that ensues is the personalized experience of revelation
(experience of higher love). This is the feeling of being at-one (atone)
with the source of such love. Atonement
presupposes a kind of dismemberment of the psyche into a good and worthless
portion. This idea of duality may have its roots in the harsh geography
of the cradle of western civilization.
consciousness is the central theme of oriental philosophy. "All things
are one." Oneness is the quality or state of being of wholeness; holiness,
beyond illusions of separation. The idea of the Buddhist
void is that when all is lost or surrendered, then all is gained. Zen
Buddhism is an oriental school of Mahayana
Buddhism, that maintains awareness, enlightenment, and a higher perception
can be achieved through meditation, self contemplation and intuition, rather
than through sacred texts or scriptures.
means "Way." (Tao is pronounced Dow.) Those who follow the Tao
are called Taoists.
is a Chinese form of spiritual philosophy based on the teachings of Lao
Tze (from Tao
Te Ching, or Book of Tao), in the sixth century BC. Taoists
were referred to as the "cloud people" because of their serenity. Spirit
is believed to be the energy out of which every manifestation of life is
formed, whether it be a plant, a bird, a tree, an animal, or a human. Similarly,
or Chi is the mainstream of existence. Chi
is similar to the idea of Spirit, the dynamic, the essence, the vitality
that is life, has always existed.
is similar to the idea of perfection. It is the final state when all things
come into there own and there are no flaws, no weaknesses, no faults at
all, and perfect peace. It is what we seek to spiritually achieve, which
in actuality, is an infinite process. We cannot achieve perfection, as
there is no limit to knowledge, wisdom,
understanding or truth. As the mind and spirit grows, their capacity is
increased. Meditation is thought to be the most direct path.
is the spiritual exercise that allows the mind to be clear in order to
focus on a specific idea.
When initiating meditation, one must learn to
detach from the norm of life (eliminate anxieties, distracting thoughts,
and the presence of others). Many meditation
schools provide symbolic techniques for this. Preparation involves
the ability to center the higher self, often through affirmations such
as being protected by white light,
blessing yourself, your environment, and your aura.
It is important not to force anything, simply allow higher conscious states
to be one's guide.
Meta means change, transformation, and beyond. Physics is the science
dealing with the properties, changes, interactions, etc., of matter and
energy. Metaphysics therefore,
examines things beyond matter and energy. It also refers to the branch
of philosophy that seeks to explain the nature of being and reality. The
term "Metaphysical" came into common usage during the late 1800's along
with New Thought Churches.
healing assumes that good health involves getting above or beyond the
physical. The Universe is thought to be perfectly balanced by natural laws.
Order is maintained by regulatory vibrations. When mankind works closer
to the natural laws we can be assured of an eventual positive outcome.
However, we do not always need to search and attend to the letter of the
law, rather, we should understand and conform to its meaning. It is not
necessary for the Collective
Spirit to create new laws, for all the laws are in existence.
All that
is necessary for the universe is here now, it always has been, and always
will be. Being aware of and guided by our higher self, as soul, allows
us to break the bonds of the physical world and return back to higher essences
of the Collective Spirit.
A Psychic is an
individual who can tap into higher planes and receive impressions, vibrations,
which are beyond those normally received by the five senses. Perhaps all
people are psychic
varying degrees, but the term tends to have greater value to those who
can actually relate and process occult information. Like all psychic abilities,
some are endowed with certain gifts, while others need to focus more on
its development.
A psychic is not necessarily a medium and a psychic is
not always the same as the spiritual. What is termed "extra-sensory-perception"
may have no relationship to ones spiritual nature, but is merely an extension
of the physical senses.
An individual who is both priest and medium is called a shaman.
For thousands of years there was no science or medicine, or religion as
we know it. Only the shamen stood between the known and the unknown. Certain
shamanic cultures require the development of internal vision as a prerequisite
for becoming a shaman.
A Druid
is a Celtic priest and
shaman who inhabited the ancient Breton area (Gaul, southern England, Wales,
Ireland), with legendary abilities of prophecy and sorcery. Wicca
is also a ancient religious cult based on love, worshiping a Goddess,
and rituals of witchcraft
and wizardry.
Most of the rituals involved in Wicca are based on Celtic, Norse or Druid
practices. A ritual, or rite is a prescribed act, or series of acts, conducted
during a religious or solemn ceremony. Rituals are generally formulated
as a route to knowledge.
Meister Eckhart
(1260-1328) was a mystic who belonged to the Order of the Dominicans. He
was admirer of Thomas
Aquinas, and was convinced that for the soul which goes down into its
depths, in these depths a perfect morality will appear, that there all
logical understanding and all action in the ordinary sense have an end,
and that there an entirely new order of human life begins. Eckhart
had a profound influence on the development of the German language, as
he wrote in German as well as in Latin. The German
idealists looked to Eckhart as a forerunner of their movement, and
modern scholars have traced his influence in the development of Protestantism
and existentialism.
In late 19th-century, when Darwinism,
biblical criticism, and other secularizing influences were undermining
the supernaturalist structure of Protestant orthodoxy. Freud,
and James
had begun to formulate the secularized and materialist
theory of mind that has so far dominated modern Western thought.
Helena Petrovna
Blavatsky (1831-1891) and her fellow Theosophists
were rescuing from occult tradition and exotic religion a forgotten psychology
of the superconscious and the extrasensory. Soon after its establishment
in New York the
Society moved its headquarters from New York to India. She "stands
out as the fountainhead of modern occult thought, and was either
the originator and/or popularizer of many of the ideas and terms which
have a century later been assembled within the New
Age Movement".
Anton Mesmer (1734-1815) was a German physician whose system of
therapeutics, known as mesmerism.
He was the forerunner of the modern practice of hypnotism. His dissertation
at the University of Vienna (M.D., 1766), which borrowed heavily
from the work of the British physician Richard Mead, suggested that the
gravitational attraction of the planets affected human health by affecting
an invisible fluid found in the human body and throughout nature.
His theory of "animal
magnetism," claimed that an invisible
fluid in the body acted according to the laws
of magnetism.
Disease was the result of "obstacles" in the fluid's
flow through the body, and these obstacles could be broken by "crises"
(trance states
often ending in delirium or convulsions) in order to restore the harmony
of personal fluid flow. Mesmer devised various therapeutic treatments
to achieve harmonious fluid flow, and in many of these treatments he was
a forceful and rather dramatic personal participant. The idea of
and the New Thought
movement gained an audience partly through his great popularity.
George Ivanovitch
Gurdjieff (1872?-1949) was a Greco-Armenian mystic and philosopher
who founded an influential quasi-religious movement.He is thought
to have spent his early adult years traveling in northeast Africa, the
Middle East, India, and especially Central Asia, learning about various
spiritual traditions. He established the Institute
for the Harmonious Development of Man (reestablished at Fontainebleau,
Fr., in 1922).
Its members, many from prominent backgrounds, lived
a virtually monastic life. A disciple named P.D.
Ouspensky introduced Gurdjieff's teachings to Western readers in an
understandable intellectual form. Gurdjieff's basic assertion was that
human life as ordinarily lived is similar to sleep; transcendence of the
sleeping state required work, but when it was achieved, an individual could
reach remarkable levels of vitality and awareness.
Baker Eddy (1821-1910) She founded Christian
Science with her book, Science and Health is based on the premise that
God is not the cause of pain and suffering, and that by aligning our thoughts
with Divine Principle we come into health and fulfillment. She rebelled
against the hellfire determinism of her father's stark Calvinist
theology, yet she retained from that stern Protestant heritage a Bible-centered,
though somewhat unorthodox, piety that prevented her from accepting
the attenuated Christianity characteristic of liberal Unitarianism
and, later, of Transcendentalism.
Holmes (1887-1960) published The
Science of Mind (1927) established the United Church of Religious Science
and the Religious
Science International. The individual human mind is seen an expression
of the Universal Mind, and the universe is its material manifestation.
Man and nature are, therefore, like the God who is their true being,
considered to be fundamentally good, and apparent evil stems from ignorance
of the highest identity. The mind, working with creative faith and
knowledge of its identity with the infinite, draws on infinite resources
in what is called "affirmative
prayer." When directed to a particular end, such as healing of
mind or body, this employment of mind is called "spiritual mind treatment"
and its results a "demonstration."
Religious Science trains both ministers
and practitioners, who are qualified to give spiritual mind treatments.
Services are generally similar in format to those of mainstream Protestant
churches, but with an especially affirmative, optimistic tone.
Alice Bailey was one of the early authors who "channeled"
writings from an "an ancient spiritual entity" named Djwhal Khul. Her Letters
on Occult Meditation (1920) bore some similarities to Blavatsky in
the many references to Hindu concepts that have influence the New Age movement.
The Veda
literally means sacred knowledge. It is also used in reference to any of
the early sacred writings and rituals associated with Hinduism.
The core of Vedic teachings supports a philosophy that "life-form" and
life-force" are two separate things. Life-form refers to the temporary
physical body, whereas life-force refers to the eternal. These teachings
state that the life-force energy which empowers all living things is equal,
but the mental state associated with a physical body does have lower and
higher states of understanding, experience and ability.
In India almost every aspect of daily life became ritualized or prescribed.
has to do with reactions arising from actions, or the natural law of cause
and effect; reaping what you sow. Karma can be positive or negative as
a result of interfering with, or promoting, someone else's free will choice.
The effects are thought to extend to past and future lifetimes. Thus a
person might be seen as paying for the sins committed in a previous life.
Practically speaking, karma became an instrument of oppression. This resulted
in a caste
system where for many people, individualization
became almost nonexistent. Those born into a low caste had little hope
of ever escaping miserable circumstances.
is another Sanskrit word meaning "circular power." Spiritual energy that
is focused (or coiled) around the root chakra.
An Eastern practice that when activated (or uncoiled), and channeled upward
to higher chakras, produces certain forms of enlightenment. Without a controlled
release, it can affect the physical, emotional or mental well-being of
an individual. As such, special exercises are used to control and channel
the Kundalini energy to assist
in creating a more balanced life.
(1960) became the best selling book ever published on self image therapy,
self hypnosis, and self improvement, has sold over 30 million copies. Dr.
Maxwell Maltz's experiences with some plastic-surgery patients experiencing
increased self-esteem and confidence after their improved appearance while
others did not. What made one group "see'' themselves in a better light
while the other group continued to feel "inferior.'' Dr. Maltz's studies
led to a program for personal fulfillment through mental -- not cosmetic
-- self-image enhancement.
This guide describes the steps to a more positive
self-image, one that can actually alter your life's course to personal
and career success. Dr. Maltz claimed to have discovered the ultimate link
between the phyological and psychological processes and his success spawned
numerous similar writings.
techniques can provide for self healing or creating something in one's
life. Certain things an individual might request can often manifest in
a literal fashion, due to a lack of preciseness, so it is important to
learn good visualization
techniques. Meditation visualization techniques are related to Hypnosis,
a powerful tool which, in therapeutic hands, can be used for self help
such as overcoming significant events and unwanted habits. Neuro-Linguistic-Programming
is a fairly recent form of therapy, used significantly in hypnosis, to
correct certain behavior or feelings.
For example, if fear is a predominant
element for someone, a hypnotherapist
could negotiate with the sub-conscious to reduce this and allow confidence
to grow at levels the sub-conscious agrees to allow.
An affirmation
is a declaration of that which one knows to be true or wish to aspire and
maintain. Affirmations can provide the subconscious mind with an energizing
thought process and may not work unless an effective focus is given to
creating an identity to that which is being affirmed. There are many people
who consider that affirmations should eliminate the word 'I' in order to
remove any form of conflict. These techniques have become popularized to
the extent that many if not most Olympic athletes now have a visualization
coach or some equivalent.
If the Earth is a place where we are presented with difficulties,
frustrations, obstacles and handicaps, then the purpose of earthly existence
can be seen as the opportunity to meet conditions that are a challenge
to the evolving spirit. In this way the spirit can have a chance to express
some of its latent qualities that can be called on in times of crisis.
Spiritual mastery, then, involves conquering the problems we encounter,
knowing that none are insurmountable. Being patient, meditating and praying
for guidance can
open the way.
The daunting task of converting destructive human activities to constructive
and cooperative
behavior is upon us. Making the necessary jump to planetary awareness
implies a new sense of awe and wonderment about who and where we are. Economic
means are available, and political means exist, but the moral means are
at issue.
We are located in vastness. We come out of 15 billion years of unfolding,
we are vital dust, a further development of the original fireball.
Try to locate yourself in our galactic neighborhood. This particular galaxy
is only one of millions if not billions. It is 100,000 light years wide.
A single light year is equal to six trillion miles. Our nearest neighbor,
the Andromeda Galaxy, is 2.3 million light years away. The Earth is revolving
at 900 miles an hour. It is orbiting the sun at 19 miles/ second. We are
moving as a solar system at 40,000 miles/hour around the center of our
galaxy, and our galaxy is expanding at 12 million miles/minute. Bacteria
and photosynthetic algae began some 2.8 billions of years ago extracting
the carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere and the evolution
of life began.
"Before the creation, God was united with whatever exists
in such a manner that in Him were contained all things that are, or have
been, or shall ever be. All forms from all eternity being thus concealed
within His Essence, and thus being compatible with the continual development
of new forms, whether macroscopic or microscopic."
- From the principles of Orphic
Theology, known to have been taught in Greece the 2nd Millennium BC.
- Mysticism - search results
- A Spiritual Renaissance - B.Kovacs
- The Knights Templar
- Metaphysical
Reference - An On-Line Listing of Metaphysical Terms
Who in the History of Mysticism - bibliographical and biographical
resources on the mystics of the Western tradition; both the pre-Christian
and Christian eras. -
- Read about the history and varieties of direct personal experiences of
the spirtual world.
and Philosophy- Don Juan ! ixtlan
ENGLISH Mysticism Philosophy BBS INDEX Castaneda Philosophy
Thou Art That - Spirituality
guide dedicated to self enquiry and consciousness
Browse the
Past -Chronological Lists events by era, century, and decade. Most
pages have illustrations.
-the view that the natural universe is divine, the proper object of reverence;
or the view that the natural universe is pervaded with divinity. Negatively,
it is the idea that we do not need to look beyond the universe for the
proper object of ultimate respect.
mysticism, new age music, art and literature - The Drakhan's Lair
is the official web site for Darryl Riser- essays on Rosicrucian mysticsm, Martinism,
new age spirituality, yoga and sword collecting.
New Mysticism - A site to share mystical and spiritual growth,
experiences and thoughts with others.
Nhat Hanh- Discover the wisdom of world-renowned buddhist scholar
and sage Thich Nhat Hanh. LookSmart category
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Magazine of Spiritual Ecology - DISCOVERING THE DIVINE WITHIN THE
ATOI mystery school
Seanachaidh's Grove
- A Place of Magick, Mysticism, and Learning - geared toward beginner,
advanced and adept practitioners of magick.
Mysticism - LookSmart guides that explore the theological evolution
of Sufi mysticism.
More Information On mysticism At - websites, leading
magazines,current news, related books
Mysticism - Mysticism, Sufi
books and more.
for Sales Pros - Free weekly on-line magazine applies the practical
spiritual mysticism of Vernon Howard, Gurdjieff and Ouspensky to sales
and entrepreneurship. Go beyond limited "positive thinking" methods.
Sahaja Yoga
Meditation for Modern Times - Discover the peace and beauty within
yourself through effortless self realization. Experience a breakthrough
in higher awareness - Chakras and subtle body.
Beyond Prayer and Meditation
- Inspired by mystic, Joel Goldsmith. Interactive site. Discover "Clear
Truth." Personal experiences. Inspirational writings. Spiritual insights.
Weil - Consider the life and work of this 20th C philosopher interested
in western mysticism.
Mysticism - Resources for the study of the ancient mystic art of
Kabbalah, the Gematria, the Tree of Life and offshoots.
Astaroth's Hermetic
- interviews
Fire Video - links
Universal Quest
- questing consciousness and wisdom, newsletter seeks knowledge, seek wisdom, and enjoy
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The Hartley Film Foundation
-Videos on religion, Buddhism, Hinduism, Zen, mind/body science,l videos
on world religions, alternative medicine, meditation, and other subjects
pertaining to personal growth - links
The Institute
of Noetic Sciences - 20 years of insightful, balanced reporting
on the topics many of us long to understand.
Mysticism in World Religions
- Reincarnation