Other Important Issues
National Peace Action - the nation's largest grassroots peace and disarmament organization - links NGO Committee on Disarmament which publishes Disarmament Times International Action Center - worldwide action page Gunfree - national headquarters Violence Policy Center
Institute for Global Communications (IGC)
British American Security Information Council Center for Defense Information Center for Economic Conversion Center for Technology Assessment Council for a Livable World Defense Budget Project Federation of American Scientists Friends Committee on National Legislation Greenpeace International Action Center - worldwide action page Join Together - cental clearing house for issues & policy Mainstream Media Project Military Production Network National Commission for Economic Conversion & Disarmament National Peace Action National Security News Service Natural Resources Defense Council Nuclear Control Institute Peacenet / IGC Peace Net On-Line Physicians for Social Responsibility Project on Defense Alternatives Project on Demilitarization & Democracy Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) Stimson Center Taxpayers for Common Sense 20/20 Vision Union of Concerned Scientists Women's Action for New Directions World Federalist Association
Media, Online Newsletters, Online Newspapers
Networks of Peace Organizations Online
Global Beat online newsletter with a Nuclear Watch section Mainstream newspapers and news bureaus and other media links (such as CNN, Reuters, Washington Post, CBS etc.) Mytholysis online journal devoted to a censorship-free discussion of nuclear disarmament Nuclear Terrorism directed at nuclear power plants OneWorld 180 online organisations for human rights and sustainable development Peace Magazine Peace News based in London connecting global nonviolent and anti-militarist movements The Guardian monthly newsletter promoting organizations and people who protect the environment The Sunflower, the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation free online newsletter outstanding! Willow Mixed Media works of art and social interest, includes links to enviro and antinuke media producers Daily News from The Nuclear Files
Action Without Borders Network Project 20,000 organizations in 140 countries IGC Members Directory organizations belonging to Peacenet, EcoNet, LaborNet, WomensNet and ConflictNet Nukenet Anti-Nuclear Network Y2K and nuclear safety forum Peacenet positive social change in peace, social and economic justice, human rights and racism The Nonviolence Web an online network of dynamic US peace groups
Resources and Archives
Abolition 2000 is a global network of more than 1,400 organizations in 90 countries all working to eliminate all nuclear weapons. outstanding! Abolition Journal provides information on nuclear weapons, plus abolition activist events, articles and photos of missile silos in South Dakota for icbm missiles with nuclear warheads The Acronym Institute publishes Disarmament Diplomacy, a monthly journal of news, documentation and opinion pieces on disarmament and arms control negotiations American Friends Service Committee, Peace Education Program, Cambridge, MA. Established in 1949 to build the Cold War peace movement in New England. American Jewish World Service, a not-for-profit nonsectarian organization founded to help alleviate human suffering, poverty, hunger and disease among the people of the world regardless of race, religion or nationality. Amnesty International, a global human rights for prisoners of conscience movement Appel des Cent/France (Appeal of the Hundred for Peace) advocating peace and disarmament Arias Foundation for Peace and Human Progress - in English, (Fundacion Arias Para La Paz y El Progreso Humano, Costa Rica) for justice and peace in Central America. En español Asangha International Peace Research Institute (Japan) seeks disarmament and world peace Atomic Veteran website. We are all downwinders and this site provides info for everyone Back From The Brink is a US campaign to take weapons off high alert and to decouple warheads from the missiles. Buddhist Peace Fellowship for peace, environmental, feminist, and social justice among North American Buddhists The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists presents war and peace analyses seldom found elsewhere Helen Caldicott, M.D. The writer-activist-pediatrician is a Nuclear Age Peace Foundation advisory board member. Her website features an articles archive and other resources. Campaign Against Arms Trade, (CAAT), was established in 1974 by a number of peace and other organisations who were concerned about the growth in the arms trade following the Middle East war of 1973. Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament for more than 40 years, this London-based organization seeks to non-violently to rid the world of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction The Carter Center public policy institute founded by former US President Jimmy Carter and his wife, Roslyn Coalition for an International Criminal Court primary NGO provider of online information about the International Criminal Court. Coalition for International Justice is an international, non-profit organization working to support the Yugoslavia and Rwanda war crimes tribunals Coalition to Reduce Nuclear Dangers was founded in 1995 to coordinate the largest and most active arms control and disarmament groups in a common effort to strengthen national and international security by reducing the threats posed by nuclear weapons. Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT)/Canada Committee For Nuclear Responsibility (CNR), a non-profit educational group organized in 1971 to provide independent analyses of sources and health effects of xrays and other ionizing radiations. Committee of 100 for Tibet supports Tibetans in their nonviolent struggle for independence Concerned Citizens Leisure World provides nuclear abolition and a peace network for the 5,000-plus activist elders at Leisure world in Laguna Woods, California. Council for A Liveable World was founded in 1962 by physicist Leo Szilard to combat the menace of nuclear war. The Council has expanded to focus also on chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction. Demilitarization for Democracy is a non-profit research and advocacy center that works to change U. S. policy toward the developing world from one of militarization to one of demilitarization. Downwinders is a research and educational foundation established in 1978 in Salt Lake City, Utah which seeks an immediate end to all nuclear testing at the Nevada Test Site and elsewhere. ESR is a Quaker Seminary with a strong peace and justice emphasis in studies. Federation of American Scientists maintains resources on peace and nuclear weapons issues. Fellowship of Reconciliation outstanding! For Mother Earth International, a non-profit, international network working for nuclear abolition, self-determination for indigenous peoples, environmental protection, and human rights. Fourth Freedom Forum outstanding! Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) is a Quaker lobby seeking change in US policy and public opinion. Also Native American advocacy. Friends of the Earth Sydney outstanding! Fundación Arias - español Global Action to Prevent War is a coalition-building to stop war, genocide, and other forms of deadly conflict. Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space Global Policy Forum monitors global policy making at the United Nations Global Resource Action Center for the Environment (GRACE) nuclear abolition program GlobeVote is a global network of universities, colleges, their surrounding communities and other organizations, simultaneously presenting a joint request to the United Nations General Assembly to call the world's first global referendum - on the question of nuclear disarmament. Grandmothers for Peace is an all-volunteer organization founded in 1982. "Those of us with the time and the energy have become activists — marching; protesting; visiting our elected officials; giving speeches to motivate others to action; publishing international newsletters and other materials; and even committing acts of civil disobedience when all else fails." Greenpeace'sno-nukes website features a nuclear map, renewable energy information, no-nukes campaign information, links, and more. Hague Appeal for Peace abolishing nuclear weapons, land mines and all other weapons incompatible with humanitarian law The Hendricks Institute: For the past 20 years, Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks have provided personal, relationship and corporate transformation training to over 20,000 people from all walks of life and have authored books read by more than a million people. The Institute for Energy and Environmental Research fact sheets on nuclear energy and more links International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms (IALANA)works to develop and strengthen the international legal order to delegitimize both use and threat of use of nuclear weapons International Campaign to Ban Landmines - ICBL was launched in 1991. It brings together over 1,000 non-governmental organizations in over 60 countries to ban antipersonnel (AP) landmines. International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR). An inter-religious global peace network, the FOR was founded in 1914. International Freedom of Expression Exchange Clearing House (IFEX). A global network of organizations headquartered in Toronto. They report abuses, respond to violations, and monitor recent developments in the area of freedom of speech. International Network of Engineers & Scientists Against Proliferation (INESAP)is part of the worldwide activities of the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility (INES). INESAP promotes nuclear disarmament to tighten existing arms control and non-proliferation regimes and to implement unconventional approaches to curbing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility(INES) is a nonprofit NGO (non-governmental organization) recognized by the United Nations, concerned about the impact of Science and technology on society. International Peace Bureau was founded in 1891-2, as a result of consultations at the Universal Peace Congresses, large gatherings held annually to bring together the national peace societies that had gradually developed mainly in Europe and North America. International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) is a global federation of national physicians' organizations dedicated to safeguarding health through the prevention of war. Japan Council Against A Bombs (Gensuikyo) seeks a 21st century free of nuclear weapons Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy (LCNP) is the US affiliate of the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms (IALANA) . LCNP uses national and international law to promote peace and disarmamen, and led the drafting of a model Nuclear Weapons Convention (treaty) which has been circulated by the UN. outstanding! Le Mouvement de la Paix (France) consists of 300 peace organizations and committees in France. Movement in India for Nuclear Disarmament includes links to background materials and documents. National Environmental Coalition of Native Americans is native American environmentalists working to keep nuclear waste off Indian lands. Natural Resources Defense Council maintains a series of reports on nuclear energy and weapons issues. NGO Committee on Disarmament which publishes Disarmament Times Nuclear Age Peace Foundation home page outstanding! Nuclear Control Institute was founded in 1981 and is an independent research and advocacy center specializing in problems of nuclear proliferation. Nuclear Free Local Authorities (UK) works for a nuclear free future in practical ways within local government. Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS) is the information and networking center for citizens and environmental organizations concerned about nuclear power, radioactive waste, radiation, and sustainable energy issues. Okinawa Peace Network of Los Angeles. ongoing updates on Okinawans (Uchinanchu) throughout the world Oregon Peaceworks is Oregon's largest Peace, Justice and Environmental organization. OPW, with a network of local chapters and national affiliation with Peace Action, is uniquely positioned to push for peace and progressive change. Pacific Campaign for Disarmament and Security is now over a decade old. PCDS works to free the Asia-Pacific region from the threat of military intervention and war. PCDS functions as a research, information, and support network as part of a worldwide search for mutual security. Pax Christi USA, National Catholic Peace Movement, has more than 11,000 members who root their peacemaking effort in the gospel and, through prayer, commit themselves to the Christian principles of nonviolence and justice for all. Peace Action Maine provides info on nuclear-free efforts, plus Chiapas, SOA, Abolition 2000 --- and they sell note cards and Give Peas A Chance pea soup for fundraising. You gotta love 'em. Peace Now claims to be the largest grassroots movement in Israel's history, was founded in 1978 by 348 reserve officers of the Israel Defense Forces. Peace Now has attempted to mobilize Israeli public opinion in support of the final settlement. PeacePeople seeks a just and peaceful society for all in Northern Ireland. Peace Resource Center, Wilmington, OH. Research collection and rental and purchase service at Wilmington College. PeaceWireis a cooperative effort between the Public Education for Peace Society,and End the Arms Race that provides useful and empowering information on peace and disarmament issues in Canada. Physicians for Global Survival (Canada) supports the abolition of nuclear weapons, the prevention of war, and non-violent conflict resolution. Physicians for Social Responsibility seeks create a world free of nuclear weapons, global environmental pollution, and gun violence. The active conscience of American medicine, PSR uses its members' expertise and professional leadership, influence within the medical community and strong links to policy makers to address this century's greatest threats to human welfare and survival. Ploughshares Fund supporting efforts to build global security in the nuclear age outstanding! Plutonium Free Future is a Project of INOCHI ("life force" in Japanese) is an international environmental organization with focal points in North America, Japan, and the Pacific Islands working to promote safe, clean, renewable sources of energy, to phase out nuclear power, and to support a ban on the research, testing production, deployment and use of nuclear weapons. Project NatureConnect fosters a psychology that improves our lives and the environment through the use of special sensory nature connecting techniques. Project Ploughshares is a project of the Canadian Council of Churches which undertakes policy research, education, and advocacy programs to romote the peaceful resolution of political conflict, demilitarization, and security based on equity, justice, and a sustainable environment. Proposition One Committee (known as Prop1) is a grassroots disarmament organization featuring a nuclear alert and useful links. Prop 1 keeps a 24 hour anti-nuclear vigil in front of the White House. If you visited the must-see-sites of Washington DC, you have seen their adamant protest. Pugwash Conferences on Science & World Affairs bring together, from around the world, influential scholars and public figures concerned with reducing the danger of armed conflict and seeking cooperative solutions for global problems. The Radiation and Public Health Project is a nonprofit educational and scientific organization, established by scientists and physicians dedicated to understanding the relationships between low-level, nuclear radiation and public health. Richmond Peace Education Center (RPEC) in Richmond, Virginia USA A Season for Nonviolence, Los Angeles 1999 seeks to empower and revitalize our lives and our communities through the practice of nonviolence as a way of life. See also the national website. School of the Americas Watch informs the public about the U.S. Army school which trains troops in Low Intensity Conflict (LIC), which turns out to be methods of torture and assassination rather than humanitarian service. The SOA Watch is working to close this Pentagon school for Latin American military. Science for Peace is a Canadian organization of natural scientists, engineers, social scientists, scholars in the humanities and lay people. It brings together professors, graduate students and first degree students who are concerned about peace, justice and making an environmentally sustainable future. Shape Your Future seeks to start a spiral of positive thinking and make young people feel their thoughts and opinions about a nuclear weapons-free world are important. Shundahai Network is an international network of activists and organizations bridging the gap between the environmental, peace and justice and indigenous land rights communities. Stimson Center Project on Eliminating Weapons of Mass Destruction and links to Major Reports on Nuclear Weapons Policy Stockholm International Peace Research Institute is an independent foundation established in 1966 to research and disseminate data about arms production, military expenditures, and disarmament. Student Pugwash USA offers educational programs that are interdisciplinary, intergenerational, and international in scope, reflecting a belief that all citizens share a responsibility to ensure that science and technology are utilized for the benefit of humankind. Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research an experiment in applied peace research and global networking based in Sweden Tri-Valley CAREs (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment) citizens concerned about nuclear weapons work at the Lawrence Livermore and Sandia Livermore Laboratories 20/20 Vision seeks to protect the environment and promote peace through grassroots action UNESCO Culture of Peace Project promotes peaceful solutions to problems Union of Concerned Scientists is citizens and scientists united in a common goal, healthy environment and safe world United Nations website for documents events, general information, publications, news, databases U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agencys mission is to strengthen the national security of the United States by formulating, advocating, negotiating, implementing and verifiying effective arms control, nonproliferation,and disarmament policies, strategies, and agreements. Veterans for Peace military veterans engaged in educational and humanitarian activities. Volunteers For Peace (VFP) coordinating international workcamps since 1982. War and Peace Foundation War Resisters League is committed to eliminating war and the causes of war We Said, "No Nukes!" a People’s Campaign to bypass the media and spread info one-to-one on nuclear abolition Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) global women for action World Association of Internation Studies (WAIS) World Federalist Association works toward an effective democratically elected federal system of global governance that would have adequate power exercised under the rule of law to deal with global problems. World Peace Portal Unrecognized Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO), World Peace 2000 promotes a 24-hour worldwide cease-fire on January 1, 2000.
- The Nuclear Files provides Documents and Treaties outstanding!
- Arms Trade Database is a searchable resource maintained by the Center for Defense Information
- Ballistic Missile Defense is a resource page maintained by the Coalition to Reduce Nuclear Dangers
- Bulletin of Atomic Scientists outstanding!
- Cassini Flyby Site that now provides nuclear weapons in space information
- Dr. Ellis Evans' Website provides information on the Sellafield nuclear fuel reprocessing site in the UK
- Freedom Peace Democide and War more freedom means less violence
- High Energy Weapon Archives i-guide to nuclear weapons
- InfoManage International extensive collection of links covering virtually all topics associated with nuclear weapons.
- International Peace Research Association interdisciplinary research into the conditions of peace and the causes of war and other forms of violence.
- The Internet and the Bomb is a valuable resource provided by the Natural Resources Defense Council.
- Major Reports on Nuclear Weapons Policy is available from the Committee on Nuclear Policy, Stimson Center.
- Missile Proliferation is a resource page maintained by the Federation of American Scientists.
- Nobel Prize Internet Archive provides background on Nobel Peace Prize winners.
- Nuclear Age Peace Foundation list of articles
- The Nuclear Forces Guide provides information on arsenals of various countries.
- Nukefix features software that analyzes the nuclear weapons problem and offers many useful links.
- The Peace and Goodwill Site in Canada offers resources and links for a nuclear weapons-free world.
- Peace for Educators is an excellent resource for teachers of grades K-12 designed by an experience peace educator.
- Peace Research Tools and Links from the Canadian Peace Education and Research Association offers links to peace and conflict websites, Internet search engines, and other Internet tools.
- Senator Douglas Roche's website includes a section on nuclear proliferation.
- Start II is covered regularly covered by a website offering updates, analysis, and relevant documents.
- Taking Stock: Worldwide Nuclear Deployments 1998, published by the Natural Resources Defense Council, offers detailed information about the size and location of nuclear arsenals worldwide.
- Taking the Pulse of the US Nuclear Arsenal includes a wealth of information on the current status of US nuclear systems, warheads, and planning.
- Weapons Proliferation Issues features many resources, including a number of online journals and newsletters.
- The War, Peace and Security WWW Server (Canada) is a comprehensive index to Internet resources for military biography and history, peace, disarmament, and more.
Sites with Lists of Links
- Resources for Peace
- PeaceZine Peace Links
- The Nuclear Files Link of Links Page outstanding!
- The Big, Big List of Nuclear-Related Links has more than 750 listings.
- Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
- Address Directory For The Politicians Of The World
- Disarmament Links has been compiled by the NGO Committee on disarmament.
- Empowerment Resources For Personal Growth, Social Change, and Ecology
- Guidestar's searchable database is said to include 600,000 nonprofits.
- Halcyon. An eclectic compilation whose guiding light is Marshall McLuhan.
- NIRA World Directory of Think Tanks, 1999
- Norbert's Bookmarks for Active People features links for many categories, including Peace Movements, Peace Resarch, Nuclear Test Ban, Anti-Nuclear Energy, and more.
- NukeFix list of Cool Links a long list, although not in alphabetical order
- Nuclear Energy Information Centre focuses on the issues and technical aspects of nuclear power. providing information on issues, technical topics, news, and geographic links.
- Peace and Goodwill Site features links for many topics, including nuclear weapons, the International Criminal Court, environment, and nonviolent action.
- PeacePage includes links to 140 sites.
- Perline's Website contains more than 230 links to nuclear-related sites.
- Proposition One has compiled an excellent list of nuclear-related links, Nuclear Web Sites and Related Sources.
- Nonprofit Organizations List - search 16,000 nonprofits by keyword or name, thanks to Action Without Borders.
- Top Ten Sites for Nonproliferation Research, according to the Center for Nonproliferation Studies.
- World Peace 2000 Links maintained by Action Without Borders features listings in many categories, including peace, human rights, disarmament, and conflict resolution
Links to peace and nonviolence groups; war and peace film list; other peace-oriented materials.
put your link here
URL: http://peacezine.org/pages/index.html
Universities and Think Tanks
- Carnegie Non-Proliferation Conference of 1999
- Center for Defense Information was founded in 1972 as an independent monitor of the military
- Center for Nonproliferation Studies of the Monterey Institute of International Studies is the world's largest NGO devoted to combating the spread of weapons of mass destruction.
- Center for War/Peace Studies a "think-tank" located in the United Nations backyard
- Global Peace and Security Program at U.C. Santa Barbara is an affiliated unit of UCSB's Global and International Studies Program.
- NIRA World Directory of Think Tanks, 1999
- Peace and Conflict Research Centers, Institutes, Organizations & Networks a long list of links
- Stimson Center
- The Nuclear Files University and Think Tank List
- US Foreign Policy Think Tanks compiled by The Nuclear Files outstanding!
- US Nuclear Weapons Cost Study Project The Brookings Institution on nuclear arms cost, numbers, and deployment
- The Hague Appeal for Peace (HAP) conference in The Hague, May 11-15 1999, featured UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, UNICEF's Carol Bellamy; Pierre...
- URL: http://www.haguepeace.org/
- Ariga:
Peace Links inside Ariga
An eclectic Israeli 'Zine including peace, politics, and poetry, published and edited by author Robert Rosenberg.
URL: http://www.ariga.com/peace.htm - wagingpeace.org-
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, information on nuclear weapons,
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (NAPF) intiates and supports worldwide efforts to abolish nuclear weapons, to strengthen international law and...
URL: http://www.napf.org/ - Dr.
Fischer Art for Peace Foundation
Artists Messengers of Peace Works of art on first-day covers issued upon the signature of peace treaties. Children Messengers of Peace - Art...
URL: http://www.peace.co.il/ - The
Carter Center - Waging Peace
The Carter Center peace programs fight against human rights violations, promote democracy by observing and monitoring elections, and help seek... Links
URL: http://www.cartercenter.org/peaceprograms.html - PeaceNet - repository for current information on a range of issues from disarmament to human rights and events and actions around the world.
- United States Institute of Peace - an independent, nonpartisan federal institution created and funded by Congress to strengthen the nation's capacity to promote the peaceful resolution of international conflict..
- Carnegie Endowment for International Peace - conducts programs of research in international relations and publishes Foreign Policy, a quarterly magazine.
- Stockholm International Peace Research Institute - an independent institute for research into problems of peace and conflict, especially those of arms control and disarmament.
- Stockholm
International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)
Welcome to SIPRI! The task of our Institute is to conduct research on questions of conflict and cooperation of importance for international peace and...
URL: http://www.sipri.se/ - The
Peace Museum
The home page for Chicago's The Peace Museum, located on 314 W. Institute Place. Information contains instructions on how to arrive here, exhibits, employment opportunities, our history and more!
www.peacemuseum.org - The Peace Museum - Chicago IL
From Dogpile Category Arts Organizations - THE
The only solution is to establish an immediate deadline for the complete abolition of nuclear weapons. People and citizens of the world - we must think of all the possible actions that we and our governments can
www.peace-museum.org - The Japan Peace Museum
From Dogpile Category Arts Museums,_Galleries_and_Centers - Master-Peace
Welcome to Master-Peace.org, a collaborative effort of Miami-Dade Art in Public Places Miami-Dade County Public Schools, Division of Life Skills and Regis House, Inc., a non-profit commmunity-based center helping
www.master-peace.org -
From Dogpile Category Biz Arts_and_Crafts Directories Commercial_Website_Directories - Middle
East Peace
Find news, analysis, and audio and video presentations about the struggle for peace in the volatile region.
LookSmart category - Middle East Peace - Nobel
Peace Prize
Find lists of peace prize winners and details on prize winning achievements.
LookSmart category - Peace Prize - Jubillenium
- Peace for 1000 Years
Jubillenium promotes a "culture of peace" for the new millennium, with unique and exciting projects and events worldwide.
www.jubillenium.com - Peace
& Reconciliation/New International
In a violent world, everyday peacemakers show us that peace does not mean surrender, but battling on without using violence as a crutch.
www.oneworld.org - SmartUniverse-1st
Virtual Nation
The 1st Virtual Nation. No taxes, No land mass, No wars. It's a book, it's a movie, it's political satire. Already BIGGER THAN FRANCE, the romance continues with Nietzche-like aphorisms, world class poetry. Citizenship is FREE
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Drawings For Peace
Provided By: Free Small Business Website. Click Here --> Free E-Commerce! Click Here --> FREE website hosting sponsored by BizLand.com Welcome to Kids Drawings for Peace íåìùä
http://www.kids-drawings.com/ - Peace
on Earth.org
Welcome to your friendly Cyberpeace stop. NEW! Visit NUSANTARA our Indonesian Peace Connection Note: This site is undergoing major revisions. Please feel free to browse. Go Low Go
http://www.peaceonearth.org/ - PeaceJam.org
PeaceJam is an international education program built around leading Nobel Peace Laureates who work personally with youth to pass on the spirit, skills, and wisdom they embody. The
http://www.peacejam.org/ - Peace
Peace, World Peace, World Peace 2000, Peace 2000, Iraq, Sarajevo, United Nations, Aircraft, Santa, Father Christmas
http://www.peace.is/ - Welcome
to the UN. It's your world.
Copyright United Nations, 2000 [ Text version | version texte | versión textual ]
http://www.un.org/ - ANGELS
Online Zine: Angels are helping humans to work for world peace. Open your hearts and hear their whisper: Peace On Earth is coming...
http://www.angels4peace.com/ - May
Peace Prevail On Earth, ONE DAY at a time
One Day In Peace, January 1, 2000...spread the word, this message is spreading throughout the world. Join in planning for the greatest celebration the world has ever known. The
http://www.worldpeace2000.com/ - United
States Institute of Peace Highlights
The United States Institute of Peace is a nonpartisan, independent federal institution created and funded by Congress to strengthen the nation's capabilities to promote the
http://www.usip.org/ - Ottawa
Peace and Environment Resource Centre
Peace and Environment Resource Centre's welcome page
http://www.perc.flora.org/ - International
Peace Bureau (IPB)
International Peace Bureau (IPB) Founded 1892 - Nobel Peace Prize 1910 - UN Consultative Status · About IPB · Homepage ·
http://www3.itu.int/ipb - Smart
Universe 1st Virtual Nation
The 1st Virtual Nation. No taxes, No land mass, No wars. It's a book, it's a movie, it's political satire. Nietzche-like aphorisms, romance. Communicate around the entire Planet.
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This web site shows how humanity can unite in good and noble actions to achieve the best life possible for everyone, and has links to organizations working toward a better world.
http://users.erols.com/jonwill/ - Peace
Peace activism by women and women's organizations.Women have played a key role in the 19th and 20th century peace movements in America and internationally.
http://womenshistory.about.com/cs/peace/index.htm?iam=dpile&terms=%2Bpeace - The
Peace Quilt from So. Africa
as seen at Houston Quilt Festival 1997
http://quilting.about.com/library/weekly/aa102397.htm?iam=dpile&terms=%2Bpeace - Nobel
Peace Prize Winners
From Albert Schweitzer to Linus Pauling, here is a list of links to biographical information on the winners of the Nobel Peace Prize.
http://biography.about.com/cs/nobelpeaceprize/index.htm?iam=dpile&terms=%2Bpeace - World
Links to information on world unity, world peace, and related Bahá'í topics.
http://bahai.about.com/cs/worldpeace/index.htm?iam=dpile&terms=%2Bpeace - Peace
'The Broken Heart Still Beats' and other stories.
see related: Arts_and_Entertainment/Music/Bands_and_Artists/H/Hanson/Fan_Works/Fan_Fiction - PEACE-APFC Website
- Peace's
Peace's Lois and Clark fan fiction
see related: Arts_and_Entertainment/Television/Programs/Action/Lois_and_Clark_-_The_New_Adventures_of_Superman/Fan_Fiction - PEACE-APFC
The official Adrian Paul fan club site.
see related: Arts_and_Entertainment/Celebrities/P/Paul,_Adrian - Peace
Children's charity founded by Adrian Paul.
see related: Arts_and_Entertainment/Celebrities/P/Paul,_Adrian - Our Lady Peace Our Lady Peace Web site, featuring information and links for the musical band, Our Lady Peace.
- Peace College Homepage of Peace College, with links to alumni, location, facilities, athletics, student life, academics, admissions, news,& events.
- U.S. Institute of Peace U.S. Institute of Peace
- Volunteers For Peace Home page of Volunteers For Peace
- Institute for War and Peace Reporting Click on this Internet Keyword to go directly to the site at iwpr.net.
- Peace Hotel Shanghai Click on this Internet Keyword to go directly to the site at shanghaipeacehotel.com.
- Better
This web site shows how humanity can unite in good and noble actions to achieve the best life possible for everyone, and has links to organizations working toward a better world.
http://users.erols.com/jonwill/ - Society
> Issues > Peace
Society > Organizations > Grant-Making Foundations > Peace
Reference > Education > K through 12 > School Improvement > Character Education > Peace - Peace
and Love
Peace and Love reside inside. Love quotes,love letters, poetry, and peaceful intentions. - World Peace Clubs
- Peace,
Love and Kindness
Dedicated to the elimination of both personal and global suffering. - PEACE - A Mid-East Dialogue Group
- Peace
For All.com - Links Page
ZAMBIA: UNHCR issues ID cards --USA: More Colombians granted, pressure grows --CANADA: Hungarian Gypsies surge --BRAZIL: Paraguay ex-dictator's...
URL: http://www.peaceforall.com/ - Peace
on Earth T-Shirt
Hand-screened original "Peace on Earth" design in 2 colors on 100% cotton T-Shirt.
www.norulak.com - Welcome to the Peace Industries Company Website!Peace Industries Company
- Peace Industries Company Enter the Site Click to Enter Supreme Creations Web Design
- www.peaceind.com - Peace Industries Company - Orange CA
- From Dogpile Category Biz Arts_and_Crafts Countries,_Cultures_and_Groups Native_American
Peace Corps
- Peace Corps
- Peace Corps - fighting hunger, disease, poverty, and lack of opportunity. - the gov. home page.
- Peace Corps World Wise Schools - program that provides students with views of life in countries where Peace Corps volunteers serve.
- Peace Gallery
Discover how to apply to work for or with the Peace Corps, and read all about the program.
The Peace Gallery is the online location for provocative images from past and present Peace Corps volunteers across the globe.
Kids for Peace
- Peace Anti-Nuclear Haiku Poems in 1998 - A Haiku Poem from the Peace Haiku Collection
- Kids Peace Preteen Crisis KidsPeace, brings hope and healing to America's children through public awareness and treatment programs.
- Peace Corps Kids World - explore the globe and learn about making a difference as a Peace Corps Volunteer.
A Haiku Poem by Nagasaki Oshima Junior High 3rd year Students: Please listen. Words from Nagasaki, Japan. (2 pages) Part of the Peace Haiku Collection. - page 2 -
Kids Drawings For Peace Página dedicada a la organización de los niños que dibujan por la paz, conozca sus exposiciones, metas y otros.